Thursday, 26 May 2016

This Lady's swift clap-back left this guy speechless (Photos)

Here's what happened. Twitter User- Adetutu Balogun @Tutsy22 shared a photo of President Buhari and Sheikh Sultan Bin Zayed, the 3rd deputy Prime Minister of the UAE, via twitter back in January, where President Buhari is seen having a look at the Sheikh's expensive watch. She joked around saying Buhari must have called it corruption when he probably heard that the watch retails for $1m.
Beat FM OAP, Osi somehow found the post and made an attempt to call her out as a troll yesterday, saying she had no idea of the price of the watch, that it's cheaper than she claimed. Adetutu clapped back in a sweet way...and Osi was unable to See it after the cut.... 

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